
Interviewing – how to make a real impact

Interviews are challenging – even for the most experienced communications or marketing professional!

In fact, interviewing for a role you are desperate to land, feels right up there with the nerves that set in when you have to present to a crowd.

However, if you regard the interview as a wonderful opportunity to share your unique story, you will go into the interview with a positive mindset, and a determination to impress the interviewer with your passion for the role, your unique style and why you are the stand out candidate. 

Tips for making a powerful impact in  your interview

Having interviewed many employees and candidates over the years, my observation is people often fall into the trap of repeating their CV and cover letter in their responses.  “I know what you do – you told me in your CV and cover letter!!!”.  What I want you to do is connect your experience to the specific nature of the company you are wanting to join with examples and stories relating your experience while suggesting the value you add. 

This means relating the question asked to an example of a situation you have addressed, while also referencing how that would apply to the business you are interviewing to join.  This demonstrates an ability to apply critical thinking alongside clear evidence of having researched and understood the organisation.

Simply restating what you were responsible for in your role isn’t enough.  The interviewer wants to hear you explain what the challenge was, what you did, how you went about it, and what part you played in the successful outcome. Or indeed, sharing your thoughts on the outcome and what you learned whether positive or not.  If you can’t answer a specific question, you can always get creative and answer in a way that demonstrates your understanding of the question, its importance and what you would do. For example, “I have not had to do that specifically, however, I observed another member of my team address this and what I learned was….”  or something similar that demonstrates you listen, learn and apply experience to address a situation.

My most common advice to candidates, is to ensure they don’t leave the interview without having shared what makes them special and unique – whatever the question, whatever the style of interview, there is always the opportunity to weave in the critical things the interviewer should  know about why you are the most valuable person for the role.

Then of course the inevitable ‘Do you have any questions’ will be asked in the interview.  Are you prepared or do you just wing it?

Where a lot of people go wrong 

People often ask the questions that relate to them or what they will get out of the role.  For example, ‘do you have flexible work policies?’ is of course interesting to know but not the question to ask in the interview!  Instead, you need to ask the questions that demonstrate you have already ‘seen’ yourself in the role and why you will add value.

You should ask…

What will success look like for this role?

This question immediately shows you are thinking about how you could add value if you are the successful candidate.

What challenges are you wanting this role to solve?

This question also demonstrates you seek out information to help you succeed.  If you know what is important to them, you will know what to focus on and deliver – employers love this!

What aspects of my experience do you see will be of most value in this role?

This is a great question to ask as their response will give you an indication of where they see you have the experience for the role, but by default their reply will likely produce any areas where they see you may have gaps. If for example they don’t mention some of the other core deliverables that were outlined in the Job Description, then you need to expand on any other areas of your experience where you think you have strengths as well.  

We’d be delighted to work with you to help you secure your next perfect role. With coaching support I can help set you up for success.

Schedule a chat about whether this is right for you.


Interviewing – how to make a real impact

Tips for acing your next interview, including how to share your unique experience, ask the right questions, and stand out as the ideal candidate. Learn how to connect your skills to the role and make a lasting impression.

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